Technically, this unit converts signals from virtual COM ports on a computer (through a USB-serial adapter built into PRU-50) into infrared light which is used to communicate with EPIRBs or programmable lights. This means that software only supporting legacy Serial ports on computers also will function with this programmer.
June 2022 – New version of our EPIRB Programming software, TronLink EPIRB v 5.0.1 which is capable of programming all the new AIS-EPIRBs in addition to our previous EPIRBs. To be able to download this version, you need to have purchased/completed our Online Learning course 200017.
December 2022 – Version 5.0.3, improved support for older EPIRB’s.
You can also program your Jotron AIS EPIRB (Tron 40AIS, Tron 40VDR AIS and Tron 60AIS) using your android smartphone: Jotron EPIRB – Apps on Google Play. Programming tool for Jotron Tron EPIRBs.