Seven Seas Electronic is one of global leaders specialize in GMDSS radio/VDR survey for all major classification societies and Service, Sales & installation of a variety of maritime electronics/navigation equipment .
Founded in 1996, Seven Seas Electronic is committed to providing competitive and feasible solutions to cater to various needs of our customers in a professional and efficient manner in the field of Marine and Offshore Industry. Over twenty years of development, with professional skills and capabilities, reliable and effective services & high quality products, we have won the recognition and trust among the customers all over the world.
Seven Seas Electronic provides high level service quality under strictly complying with ISO9001:2008 International standards by continually monitoring
and improving on the effectiveness of our quality management systems. We are authorized to carry out radio survey & VDR APT under the approval of all major Classification Societies, such as ABS、BV、CCS、CR、DNV & GL、IRS、KR、LR、NK、RINA、CRS. In addition, we are approved by GL for the survey of navigational equipment and systems as well.
Seven Seas Electronic collaborates closely with worldwide leading and specialized maritime equipment suppliers and manufacturers in order to provide
our wide range of clients a full breadth of products and genuine spare parts as well. With the support of a global network of well-known manufacturers, we are able to
meet the growing & challenging demands of our customers from a sustainable development perspective.
Seven Seas Electronic ’s headquarters is located in Shanghai with domestic branches in Qingdao, Dalian, Xiamen, Taiwan and 2 overseas branches based in Singapore and Thailand. Our extensive networks throughout all major ports in China, such as Shanghai, Dalian, Tianjin ,Qingdao, Yantai, Lianyungang, Yangzhou, Zhoushan, Fuzhou, Xiamen, Guangzhou, Fangcheng etc. and also extend to southeast Asia.
Seven Seas Electronic employs more than 40 service engineers only in China and has thousands of customers in the international shipping market: ship owners , Ship managers, shipyards, government, service partners, ship agents, etc. Our highly experienced and motivated service teams and wide network ensure us to provide one stop service with 24/7/365 support guaranteed. Our goal is to keep vessels safe sailing in the most expeditious timeframe with cost-efficient service solutions.
Seven Seas Electronic provides high level service quality under strictly complying with ISO9001:2008 International standards by continually monitoring and improving on the effectiveness of our quality management systems. We are authorized to carry out radio survey & VDR APT under the approval of all major Classification Societies, such as ABS、BV、CCS、CR、DNV & GL、IRS、KR、LR、NK、RINA、CRS. In addition, we are approved by GL for the survey of navigational equipment and systems as well.
Seven Seas Electronic collaborates closely with worldwide leading and specialized maritime equipment suppliers and manufacturers in order to provide our wide range of clients a full breadth of products and genuine spare parts as well. With the support of a global network of well-known manufacturers, we are able to meet the growing & challenging demands of our customers from a sustainable development perspective.
After all these years, Seven Seas Electronic has won well-deserved reputation all around the world. We have thousands of customers in the international shipping market: ship owners , Ship managers, shipyards, government, service partners, ship agents, etc. and the list is never ending.